23 November 2002

updates in CAPS and nocaps

we have 30 mph gusts of wind. it howled all night. chilly in my apartment, chester is crunching on his catfood. i've been doing schtuff on Sprachinselvolkskunde... slowslowslowgoing, for sure. Pretty day, the river is choppy and it looks like the wind is depressing (as in, making a depression) the river with its strength... Very cool. Must work more. I just can't wait until Thanksgiving. I'm really giddy. And again, the shift from no caps to normal capitalization. Don't know what that means. Last time it meant a fire alarm. ok, back to small letters. ;)

ok, folks, hope you have fantastic weekends. i get to see buffy tonight, which wasn't on on tuesday. can hardly wait.

dandlioneyes at 11:24 am

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