05 December 2002

Reflections on the Snow

I can't say that I have much to say.

The snow has finally - let me see - stopped. But we have about a foot of snow. The first real snow. I took a brief walk. There was that quiet that comes with snow, particularly the first. And the sky, grey as it is, is light, because it is reflecting off of the snow. Much lighter than it would be, otherwise.

Much nasty slow traffic, some slush already. I wish I had taken a longer walk. From my window I can see the footsteps I made on the fresh snow. As a child that was always special: stepping in a spot, on snow, where no one had stepped before me, and where no one could step in thatspot and have it be the same. I still love that.


Work is going slowly.


Heading to Boston Monday. My sweetie leaves Sunday for Boston. Spending a short amnt. of time there, in a Hotel that used to be an Old Fire House. The Kendall Hotel. I'm looking forward to it. There is supposed to be a bathtub. I like bathtubs at hotels.

Much delay on the east coast because of snow. Ha. I got caught in that on Monday in Chicago. Craziness.

Ok, folks, I could keep on writing, but what I'm saying is neither here nor there. It's hot rum toddy weather. But I'll be working away on my syllabus. A make-belive syllabus, part of my exams, but ... hey ... it's still a syllabus.

Later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 4:45 pm

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