07 December 2002

fears and i'm happy. all at the same time.

Saturday morning going into Saturday afternoon.

My sweetie's here, woohoo, and we have had the laziest of all mornings. It's really really nice. Since we needed to reprice the wedding invites, we've requested a sample from an online site... these things can be so expensive.

AH well, we're working on it. From pjs into the shower, then off to campus, I think. Maybe we'll stay in.

I'm just ... can I do this whole PhD exam thing? Its going so damn slowly. And I am apathetic. Wedding planning=fun and exciting. Exams=scary scary scary. I've become such a slacker. I can see why they say grad school can take so long. *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

dandlioneyes at 11:52 am

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