08 December 2002

exercizes, trains, and boston, oh my

i've been doing pilates exercizes. which feel really great. good for posture. my sweetie and i did them this morning, and again, have had a lazy one. morning, that is.

i sent out some pictures to friends, responded to student e'mails (no, i'm sorry, i can't reschedule the review session, sweethearts, because this is my own volunteer time and no, i don't want to have the review session at your sorority. no thank you), and we'll head over to 30th street to get my sweetie off to boston at 3:16.

airing out the apartment. the windows fog up, sop we open it, and then the crisp winter air comes in.

turns out a good friend of mine will also be in boston, from good old california (she's at UCLA, brilliant girl), and we'll meet up. coincidence, but very cool.

otherwise, will have to work this evening, obviously. and more student e-mails trickle in.


[note to chicago-chica: fingers crossed with the investigation. very strange indeed. i don't know what i want the results to be, but its good that michelle is taking the initiative to investigate]


ok, 'nuff said.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 12:29 pm

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