15 December 2002

no other way to put it than crotchety

i am decidedly CROTCHETY.

no other way to put it. i feel like an old lady who is mad at the world, and mumbling under her breath, cursing at the young folks, mad.

not crazy mad, but angry mad. which is how i feel.

utterly CROTCHETY and grumpy, dagnammit.

little things - piss me off. big time.

i don't know why.

i'm mad that i'm still doing laundry and have to listen to the stupid dryer.

i'm mad at all the things coming up this week, very mad indeed.

and my foot still hurts, and all that good stuff.

so yeah, i'm CROTCHETY.

and i wanted to allcap that, thankyouverymuch. 3 times.

thank you.




dandlioneyes at 6:16 pm

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