10 January 2003


back in philly, tired, drinking a coke, chiled by the weather, sort of surprised that it is nearly 5 pm already, not 2 int he afternoon california time.

back in philly, happy in many ways to have my own space back, and to do things at my leisure.

back in philly, in need of a suit for an interview in dc that required "business attire".

back in philly, unsure if i want that interview, but my ego craves it.

back in philly, already doing TArelated work.

back in philly, jello-arms from carrying home groceries.

back in philly, determined to keep the power bill lower this month.

back in philly, looking out over the schuykill expressway, crowded freeway.

back in philly, wishing somehow i could be in california and have a prestigious fellowship at the same time.

back in philly, with proofs of our wedding invites at hand, very excited.

back in philly, wishing my sweetie was here. wishing we didn't have this stupid separation. wishing it was clear where we'd be next year.

back in philadelphia.

dandlioneyes at 4:45 pm

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