13 January 2003

monday morning blues

i hate mornings like this. its cold. my toes literally hurt being out of bed and not in slippers.

i hate having to trek across the bridge. i really do.

its cold. did i mention that?

i don't want to see *people*. my friends and colleagues. no, i'd rather hide in my room and work quietly from here until emre comes.

BLAH! if it wasn't so damn cold. which i have mentioned. 3 times now.

hope life is good for everyone. monday the 13th! if that doesn't bode well!


(ps: its just one of those "days" where i am grumpy and a bit nervous! oh yeah, AND it is early for me to be leaving the house - at 8, instead of getting up at 8.)

dandlioneyes at 8:01 am

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