17 January 2003


so my tassenkuchen looks so good, i want to gobble it all up. but can't, because its a present, well, housewarming food item thing. yeah.

the neighbor who has been good for a while must be in "iggles" spirit, philly eagles are doing well: he's playing games or whatnot, football noises that throb emanate and resound through my walls, and telemann can't cut it over the BOOM thwack THUDboomboomTHUDs that come over in regularly intervals. he makes me angry. and really gets my temper up.

what else?

eh, not much. a sea of red-ink - green ink, actually - is on my not-so-good paper that i am planning to submit. yeah. but worth a try, no?

happy weekend.

dandlioneyes at 10:14 pm

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