23 January 2003

more on the cold weather!

I think I have said this before, but I shall do so with proper capitalizations, expletives, etc.:


I ran some errands today, bundled up in: tights, socks, a turtleneck, a sweater, a fleece, a coat, scarf, hat, gloves, and I was waddling like a duck. Quack quack, all very funny and amusing, right? Not really.

It hurts to go outside. I learned from some Finnish friends that first one gets red cheeks, sign of cold, and then, when they turn white, they are - literally - being frozen. So white cheeks is bad news. Stick with the red.

My body ends up aching after walking in this weather. UGH.

Take care, folks!

dandlioneyes at 4:11 pm

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