14 February 2003

rant and rave

my sweetie arrives today, woohoo!

cold cold day, and we expect a "wintry mix" tonight and tomorrow. which is a euphemism for: crap weather with snow, ice, sleet, maybe some hail and brimstone as well.

pretty bad. ;)

but we can stay in, i think, and cuddle. (woohoo!)


for the protest on saturday: noon, at broad and spring garden. if it is sleeting, i have no idea what'll happen. supposed to be 28 degrees saturday but "feel like" 12. which is just god-awful. so we'll see what happens.


the war is increasingly freaking me out. and its repercussions. and the terrorist threats blah blah - i feel like i am in some bad movie. because this is ridiculous. go to war and ignite a whole region. bring more international shame to the US, more criticism. like we need an even worse rap right now. and for what???


plus, the river has frozen. again.




later gaters

dandlioneyes at 8:12 am

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