24 February 2003

me? and cleaning the kitchen? what gives?

late monday, and i'll stay up a bit.

i've been really moody today, pmsing like a madwoman. not that you all want to read this, but such is life.

seriously, usually i cry. and i did, about a movie on tv last night. today, i swear i was an angry bitch with a vendetta about everything and anything. my sweetie cleaned up the kitchen, which usually and always is awesome, but today i threw a tantrum that he did it, because i "really wanted to clean the kitchen." seriously. was i on crack? what kind of evil hormones are those which actually make me say something like "i really wanted to clean the kitchen." someone slap me.

in any case, coming down off of it, but not totally. i'm tired and groggy and unproductive; that said, i'm alright right now. i guess.

night, folks

dandlioneyes at 11:57 pm

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