28 February 2003


with an online registry, it is weird to see that people are buying us things. very weird, very exciting... and so soon after we sent out the invitations! beautiful nambe bowls, wine glasses... my sweetie and i were dancing around the living room freaking out about the news. so silly. and we're not superficial or materialistic. it is just *strange* that people would give us presents because we are getting married! we should be giving them presents that they want to come! you know?

all very silly. and exciting.

i think we are going to go to the movies tonight and see _The Guru_, which i am excited about. i got a big load of groceries, including exciting tofu, including fruits and veggies and granola bars. i've decided i really need to go on a diet again. i had lost weight since thanksgiving, and with nasty winter weather, it is all back on. bleh. when my sweetie goes back to california, i'll start exercizing regularly again. and eating healthier food. things along that line.

hope ya'll have a good weekend. i'm always excited when it _is_ the weekend... even though my week might as well be a weekend as well, you know? i work the same amount regardless of the day.


dandlioneyes at 6:21 pm

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