02 March 2003


it always feels like the bottom is pulled out from underneath my feet when my sweetie leaves. i was hit massively hard by this today. he's still on the plane, has another 3 hours to go... and i was sobbing at the airport, sobbing at home. i think, in part, its because i'm heading to germany in august. and the separation will be worse. that's part of it. but it is also just the frustration of *having* to be apart in the first place. drives me nuts.

after my 2 weeks of binging on chocolate, anything junky, i have 3.5 months now to lose some weight and get into shape for the wedding. i'll exercize, and eat healthily. i think it may involve running up and down the fire-escape stairs in my building. we'll see.

happy sunday night, folks.

dandlioneyes at 8:46 pm

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