23 March 2003

more outrage

i'm sorry to keep on writing about the war. i'm angry. i am so angry i could cry. wtf, patriot missiles down a british RAF plane? can't you fucking get it straight, what is "friendly" and what is "enemy"? how hard is it, morons? i am sure it is very hard, but how can you tell the families of those who were killed by their own fellow soliders that hey, the us killed them, or the uk. wtf????

i'm so upset. about that. about the civilian deaths in iraq that are already adding up. and for what? obviously NOT to get rid of weapons of mass destruction, which, hey, was touted as the reason for the war in the first place. ok, fine, you've already proved it is daddy's war and about oil. i just can't handle this.

dandlioneyes at 12:32 pm

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