05 April 2003


listening to ballads and trying to write a paper that clearly bores the hell out of me.

had a panic attack last night, but kept it in check with a bath, several phonecalls, a good night's rest, and my murakami novel.

now, i'm in worse shape for not having worked, but c;est la vie, i guess. i need to finish this @#$%^&* paper that bores me to get it to my advisor.

the photography workshop blew yesterday, i mean, it was actually not bad, they were awesome, but i'm a photographic imbecile who can take creative and good pictures, but has no idea about the technical aspects of flash, filling in flash, x, y, z.... you know?

so i felt stupid about myself, and a whole day *oh my goodness oh my soul there goes alice down the hole* down the drain.

later gaters.

*listening to a song called moonshine. very ballady.

dandlioneyes at 11:57 am

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