23 April 2003

when hell freezes over?

nerves are getting rawer. this is nuts. exams? pshaw.


i jogged today. hard. for 10 minutes. and i already have jello-legs. it only takes a few day of not running to feel this much in pain after a short jog. but it was good.


sitting around, been trying to work. i turned in 2 out of 5 exams yesterday. the syllabus and the theoretical statement. i turn in the dissertation proposal (eep!) tomorrow, and hopefully also the geographical statement. that leaves me with the hell that is the genre statement. and when i say hell, i mean hell frozen over, bad, impossibly bad statement. that i am bored with.


had this feeling of breathlessness the past few days. again, i know that that is just my raw nerves causing me to *h-y-p-e-r-ventilate*


later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 9:46 pm

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