05 June 2003



i can actually update an entry. update. whatever.

always that busy page. guess i log in now at popular times.

anyways, wedding madness weeks have started. we are down to 10 days. i cannot believe it! in some ways, i am obviously extatic. in the important ways. in the I AM GETTING MARRIED way. in the other ways -in the OH MY GOD SO MUCH TO DO ways - in the FAMILY STRESS ways...

you know, that isn't so great. and then there is the freaking out about weather way, as well.

people are being nice and supportive. thanks, rach, for the phonecall. sorry we missed each other. i'm thinking of you and the upcoming event!!!

but things are going. yard work. painting. i'm trying not to gain weight, but that is difficult.

anyways, take care, folks.

all the best!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 6:57 pm

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