08 July 2003

back online... in washington...

well, i am in redmond washington.

about 15 minutes away from seattle.

in this high-falutin' apartment complex that is now home for a few weeks... until mid august.... and i can't check e-mail often, and things are still hectic, and boy am i going stircrazy without a regular schedule.

that's for the complaining.

now for the good stuff (in no order except as my stream of consciousness processes it!):

1) seattle is amazing!

2) we have taken amazing hikes and done incredible things: hiked in the cascades, saw pike's market, went to SAM - the Seattle Art Museum - etc. etc. it has been amazing!

3) we'll still go up to vancouver for sure for a weekend - that'll make someone happy!

4) i wish i was in chicago to keep my friend who is a brand-new mother company!

5) being married is nifty, nifty, nifty! need to start writing the thank-you cards!

so, life is good, more later. thinking of everyone. rachel, i'm so amazingly proud of you!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:35 am

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