25 July 2003


sorry for the interruption yesterday.

so i went to get my eyes checked, and i also picked out new frames for my glasses. very exciting. that's not my story, however.


in the stupid mall a stupid new dept. store was opening at 10 am and giving each of the first 4000 customers (yes, those are 3 zeros) a free bag, and a free thing of perfume or cologne. ahha.


9:45, i get there early to the mall (where the optometrist has his office), and THERE IS NO PARKING. there are only crazed suburban wives in their SUVs and Hummers driving around like wildwomen trying to find parking. oh yes. insanity.

it took me 30 minutes to get a spot.

30 minutes, and, let me say, i was not a happy camper.

jeesh. get a life.

that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

plus, we go to california tonight, so later gaters for a great weekend!

dandlioneyes at 1:42 pm

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