30 August 2003

bonn, saturday, jet-lagged

pre-typing an amazingly short dland entry from my hotelroom in tannenbusch mitte, bonn. i am in a bizarre sort of suburb that is amazingly diverse. i hear turkish everywhere. the store has turkish products, etc. tres cool. but the neighborhood itself is ugly, and even the taxi driver said: you are going there? you SURE?

made it safely. flight was hell, and mostly because of the jet-lag now. i just hate flying.

bonn seems nice. i toured the muenster today - the basilica from the 1300�s. also tres cool.

the rhein was nice, with barges going up and down. and i have been able to scarf down my favorite foods. also a perk. ueberraschungseier, schmierkaese, rote gruetze (red fruit kompott sort of thing, cooked red berries, slightly thickened sauce, very very good). i do feel at home being in germany, things feel totally familiar. i can�t handle the distance with random people on the street. but then again, i was strangely surprised when people offered to help carry some of my insanely heavy bags on and off the train. crazy! but nice surprise.

otherwise, not much. everyone in the program seems to be sick of each other. but after 2 months of language stuff, i can understand that. monday, the orientation starts. the russians (10 in the progam, along with 10 americans) are going in suits. the americans in business casual. i�ll have to see what i do.

anyways, folks, do leave me notes or whatever. not much time right now to read anyone else�s diary, because the dialup is so expensive from my hotel room. but i am happy to be able to post, and i�m happy to have some internet access!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:21 pm

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