04 September 2003


had a bizarre dream last night, amazingly sort of anxious and insecure (reflecting all of this transition in my life???).... my sweetie and i were on a boat, a small little rowboat, lying on our back and reading. all of a sudden i get up, look, and we are on a moby-dick-esque ocean, huge, grey, powerful, intense, with tons of waves and whitecaps. i see signs, streetsigns, sticking out of the water, which say something like: don�t ever fall asleep, because you need to stay awake or the boat will capsize. then my sweetie wanted to get the boat deeper onto the water, to observe some sort of giant whales, to swim with them, but i had this feeling like it wouldn�t work, and that something really bad would happen if we did that.... anyways, it sounds like nothing, but it was amazingly frightening and i woke up feeling pretty anxious. anyways. so much for my dream.

dandlioneyes at 11:08 pm

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