24 September 2003


it has been so long since i have written. 15 days. and im so sorry, and wont be able to catch up tonight.

updates: indeed, today was the last day of the intro seminar. my sweetie comes on saturday to visit. san francisco to berlin. crazyness.

things are otherwise alright. i got sick of a lot of the people, but that happens. group dynamics and shit like that. but all in all, it was lovely. and intersting.

on tuesday, the 30th, we'll drive to goettingen. and that is nervewracking but also exciting.

anyways. big hug to the chicago-land area. once im in goettingen i'll write with my usual frequency. and also listen with my usual frequency.

hugs from germany across the atlantic. all the best!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 6:40 pm

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