29 October 2003

metaphysics (or something to that extent)

wednesday morning, middle of the week. the sams would say: mittwoch, mitte der woche. am montag kommt her mon, am dienstag ist dienst, am mittwoch, mitte der woche, am donnerstag muss es donner, am freitag hat man frei, und dann kommt am samstag das sams!


wonder what i would wish for?


rainy day clearing up to decent skies, i feel a little unsure of what i should be doing. plus, i'm hungry.


hard evening last night after last entry involving phonecalls, but, c'est la vie, right? one plods one. and one is somehow, abstractly, aware of the fact that one is still a lucky individual, all things considered.


how is that for a metaphysical entry???

dandlioneyes at 11:02 am

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