11 November 2003

dreams, are thank goodness NOT my reality! (lalalala)

bizarro-dreams, i can't reconstruct them, woke up with a buzzing headache AND a sore throat. na toll.


what i do remember about the dreams, was that a friend of mine, k., was working in a tea store and had been ordered to write an essay about tea. i gave her a good topic, but no. she rejected it. and i was at at some random university, not anyplace i've been. in a working group doing some sort of digital whosimawatchamacallit. in any case, doing difficult stuff. and one of the project partners would and wouldn't leave me alone. the stalling before leaving. the "i'm going to ask you for coffee but don't know how shuffle shuffle". and though i could have made it easy for him, and wanted to say sorry, i'm married, i didn't. not because i didn't want to tell him, i did that afterwards and said no, but because it was amusing to watch the shuffeling, embarassment, etc. sort of mean. i don't know why i am mean in my dreams.

but people in my dreams can be mean to me as well. so it is all weird.

i have a sore throat.

hope someone in freiburg decided on a professor!!!! daumen gedr�ckt!

dandlioneyes at 10:42 am

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