30 November 2003

update, update, la la la la la

so i'm back from the airport. and finished what i HOPE to be my last round of wedding-thank-you-cards. YES, the wedding was in June, and YES, i should have written them earlier. actually, i did. what remains were thank-you-cards that were thanking for presents received while in turkey.

i was showered with more and more jewelry while in turkey, and so had 6 more cards to write.

so i've dropped off my love, camae back home, have been puttering since. it always completely throws me the first day. i haven't been crying, but that may hit me tonight. i was pretty anxious the past few days, and i will be home in 3 weeks, but it is just really hard. we've done this separation for 5 years. i'm sick of this. absolutely sick of this.

what else do i have to update on? we took a weser trip - up the weser river, to several small little towns. that was enjoyable.

yesterday we took a long walk in the forest, lovely forest: so get this. they had wild pigs (wildschweine) and deer there, and i thought it was like an animal park, native animals, etc. etc. but no. you could pick out your wild pig or your deer for your christmas dinner. so that was a tad on the disturbing side. to make a point which isn't mine and has been said over and over again: we are so separated from the production of our food, we have no idea where it comes from any more....

later gaters. updates will be mroe frequently now, i promise!

dandlioneyes at 4:19 pm

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