16 December 2003


ok. so my archive-guy-whose-diary-i-am-reading (sort of like diaryland, eh, but 58 years later) has a miniscule handwriting and THEN, and THEN, he writes in shorthand. what gives? i don't know shorthand. my french teacher used to write in shorthand so we couldn't read what he was writing. but still. who knows shorthand nowadays?

anyways, so the archives went well. i got home at 5. it is now 11. i watched 1 episode of friends, 1 episode of that 70s show (i love that that 70s show!)... the big deal is that i don't have a tv. its a secret how i get to watch the shows. :) yay! anyways, i did no work this evening. i gobbled down food, hit the heater a bit, cursed at my neighbors, wrote a letter to my landlords complaining, etc. but work? naw. not me.

off to bed. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 11:02 pm

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