18 December 2003


packing to go to the us...

all dirty clothes. i just can't be bothered going to the laundromat when i am going home, to the land of big washing mashines and dryers that reside in the basement. ah, laundry!


so, yes, dirty clothes.


also on my radar screen is xmas cookies to bring home. i bought some yesterday, must buy more. my bags are ridiculously heavy. full of cookies and presents. i'll throw a hissy fit if the luggage screeners open any packages. a FIT, i tell you!


also: i know i'm settling in when i know the 10 digit library card # by heart.


also: hissy fit because i just realized someone recalled books i have. meaning i have to go to the library tomorrow.


also: i am not in the mood for writing now. later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 11:06 am

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