04 January 2004

home again, home again hickory dock

i slept over 13 hours last night. over 13 hours. that's a lot of sleep. and i could still sleep more. grogball am i. space cadet am i. so sleepy.

anyhow, am back in goettingen, back in my apartment which just isn't warming up. we have snow. the trip was long and, as usual, horrendous. i was so antsy and somehow must have overdosed on caffeine, that when we were flying over st. johns newfoundland i seriously considered asking them to land to let me off. i couldn't imagine crossing the rest of the atlantic. i think i dozed off around iceland, woke up over ireland. and heathrow was just a joy. as usual.

anyhow, here i am, i need to work, which is just what i am gonna do now for 30 minutes, then shower. then face the day. without food. i think i'll have to get a d�ner or some other sandwhichy goodness today...

dandlioneyes at 11:07 am

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