16 January 2004


10ish pm.

i went to bed at 8. and read. my sweetie zonked with jetlag, understandably. and i fell asleep at 9:30. at 10 the neighbors upstairs decided *HAMMERING* might be a nice way to spend their friday night. 10 pm! god, their mama didn't teach them any manners. yes, so we went to bed early. yes, it is a friday night. but HELLO, still, NOT FUNNY! NOT OK!

so now we are both awake.


the airport extravaganza turned into the airport ordeal. i left the house at 8:45. train left at 9:15. i got to frankfurt at 11:15. my sweetie was supposed to arrive at 11:45. at that time, he hadn't yet left london heathrow. 2 hours later, yes, 2 hours later, the plane lands with high winds. we had missed our train back, of course, and lost our reservations. the ticket was still valid, but no reservations. next train left a few hours later. so, by 5 pm (after a trainride sans seats where we stood) we arrive back in g�ttingen. 8 hour day spent picking up my sweetie!

i'm more than a little overwhelmed. and then the $%^&*() neighbors had to hang up a #$%%^&*( picture. ugh. not a happy camper.


on the other hand, i'm awake, and my sweetie is here, and that makes the whole world brighter....

dandlioneyes at 10:06 pm

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