30 January 2004



i function well with crisis.

crisis is a part of me.

so my professor told me as i went into her office and broke down in tears today feeling totally overwhelmed with "the thesis". with "the dissertation". by "the pressure".

not sure why i am quoting.

i feel better, now, though. she knows i am working, and working relatively hard, so that's a good thing.


here is the deal: my sweetie will finish. we both need to get on the job market at the same time. the way it is going, i won't finish. so that's one part of the problem. the other part of the problem is my questions, the data i am gathering forces itself onto the questions and bounces off. they don't mesh. an unhappy union of souls... which is huge. the interview in frankfurt was just so damn devastating. i don't have the energy for this.


the option of bed and breakfast loomed. by professor told me i wouldn't enjoy changing other people's sheets. by which she is right, of course, but STILL.


so we talked - she talked - i listened - options of changing the scope of the thesis loom large, so then i went home. now i am going to nap. think about it. with calmness. weather the crisis. and all that jazz!


ps: check out the whatchamacallit profile- my profile - i added an image. today i feel like a duck, quack quack, so it was only appropriate. copyright 2003 by my super spiffy little cousin whom i adore.

dandlioneyes at 11:54 am

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