10 February 2004

way too many questions and answers

phd students waste their time- here's how:

(thanks to michl!) ;)

Last time you...

Smiled - after jogging just half an hour ago

Laughed - uhm... earlier today. not sure.

Danced - really danced? at my wedding. danced around the apartment? a few days ago.

Were sarcastic - uhm, probably today. i tend to be sarcastic.

Had a nightmare - have had a lot recently

Last book you read - still reading one of rafik schami's

Last movie you saw in theatre- god, i don't go to movies very often. i have NO idea.

Last thing you had to drink - h2o

Last time you showered - am.

Last thing you ate - sandwhich post jog, oh so healthy

Do You...

Sleep with stuffed animals - i did. until i dreamt one was a rat (alive) and flung it against the wall. not fun.

Play an instrument - naw. i used to sing.

Believe there's life on other planets - depends on what sort of life, but yes, probably.

Remember your first love - married him!

Read the newspaper - online, baby, online!

Have any gay or lesbian friends - more gay than lesbian for some reason.

Believe in miracles - i 'm not sure.

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever - certainly!

Consider love a mistake - uhm. no. not at all. love=happy=good=great.

Like the taste of alcohol - yes. esp. fruity "girly" drinks and yes, WINE, all the way wine.

Have any secrets - that's a secret! ;)

Have any pets - i do. chester is in illinois and i miss him. ;( (chester = a gorgeous handsome fantastic orange tabby kitty cat)

Do well in school - i'm in grade 21 right now. i do alright. ;)

Wear hats - yes. cold weather. i would also love to wear my fair lady at the races hats with feathers. be a diva.

Have any piercings - ears. used to have 2 in one ear 3 in another. now just 1 per ear.

Have any tattoos - nosireebob.

Like your handwriting? - slopp-o-rama

Have You Ever...

Ran away - no

Broken someone's heart - i don't know. i really don't. i've been mean to some guys (try freshman year in college, a guy named IGOR) because i was so immature that i couldn't handle their attention. but i don't know if i broke their hearts... i sort of doubt it.

Been in love - hello, YES!

Cried when someone died - indeed.

Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have - like chris o'donnell? like - oh, the list continues. the list continues. certainly. that was highschool. i was a tad crazy then. just a tad.

Been rejected - i once (sophomore year) asked a random guy at a cafe out to dinner because i thought he was cute. he said he had a girlfriend. i was mega-embarassed. MEGA embarassed.

Used someone - i try not to. i really do try. and i don't want to use people. so i'm not sure. somehow, i'm sure i did, but i can't think of examples... so that's a good thing?

Been used - some friends in highschool turned out not to be friends. but that happens.

Been kissed - yes.

Done something you regret - i don't like regrets; i make the best out of a situation!

Whats Better...

Coke or Pepsi - i'm a fan of diet coke.

Girls or guys - odd question. better for what?

Flowers or Candy - both, please. ;)

Quiet or Loud - me? depends on the situation. the situation? i prefer quiet.

Tall or Short - me? people? tables? trees? VAGUE. rephrase, please.

Shorts or pants - i'm all about skirts and pants. i don't much like shorts...


Color - earthtones, and, surprisingly, to wear: red. (that's new. i also love blue)

Subject in school - grade? high? college? i always liked art. never liked PE. liked: foreign languages. social sciences and humanities.

Juice? - cranberry, pear nectar, etc. i love juice.

Ice Cream - right now, pralines and pecan. i don't have a freezer so i have ice-cream withdrawal.

Holiday - oh, that's a hard one. not a holiday type person nowadays.

Do you write in cursive or print - a mixture of both.

What do you think of rainbows - i like it when i see one. always hope for the pot o' gold at the end of it...

What do you think of Eminem - i don't really think of him all that much. at all, actually.

Is Tupac Shakur really dead - probably.

Like milk and cookies - indeed.

Ever worn black nail polish - nope

Fanta or Coca Cola - here in germany, you mix them and call it spezi. also good.

Meat or fish - fish.

Where do you shop most - groceries? clothes? focus, people!

Is your hair short or long - shoulder lenght

How many tvs do you have in your house - none, oh my god. none.

Do you think you're weird or funny - an odd eclectic mixture of both?

Do you like playing pranks on people - no

What room do you spend the most time in - living room

How many rooms does your house have - bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, and a hallway where my table is.

Are you ticklish - me? ticklish? nooooooo! ;)

Do you go to church - no. sometimes around xmas.

Do you believe in love at first sight - yes!

Do you wear a watch - yes

Who do people say you look like - at the wedding, someone said i looked like grace kelly. but usually i look like me.

Pizza or pasta - pasta.

Movies or shopping - movies.

Your dream car - ooooh. a mini. ;)

Current Clothes - jogging sweats

Current Annoyance - DISSERTATION

Current Smell - dinner cooking

Current thing I ought to be doing - DISSERTATION!!!!!!!!

Curent CD in CD Player - actually, lauryn hill. which is suprising

Current Color Of Toenails - hello, its winter, who does their nails in the winter?


Understanding - i think so.

Open-minded - yes

Hungry - oh my god yes.

Friendly - yes

Smart - yes (and SO humble!)

Moody - yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. i dunno. must be a mood swing!

Childish - i can be.

Independent - yes (again, so humble)

Hard working - yes, though not always. i LOVE to procrastinate. see top of this entry.

Organized - can be.

Healthy - oh, i dunno. i love salads as much as i love potato chips. so it depends on the day.

Emotionally Stable - depends on the day!

Shy - large groups where i don't know anyone: yes. otherwise, small groups, no.

Difficult - me? difficult? no.....

Attractive - hubby seems to think so!

Bored Easily - no, i tend to be content....

Messy - messy? moi?

Obsessed - with what? pirates of the caribbean? moi? no...!

Sad - sometimes

Happy - that this survey is almost over? yes!!!!!!

Hyper - sugar. hyper. me. yes.

Trusting - without a doubt.

Talkative - chatterbox.

Legal - as in, of age? way over. but sometimes i do get carded. which is just weird.

Arrogant - with academics, yes.

Insecure - with academics, yes.

Interesting - humble again... (tongue in cheek) yes.

Unique - of course.

Lonely - if alone and sad, yes.

[there was much more of this survey but i had to cut it short]

Do You?

Smoke: no

Cuss: yes

Sing: yes -- shower.

Take a shower everyday: sometimes 2.

Have a crush: on my husband!

Think you've been in love: yes.

Like(d) high school: HATED HATED HATED HATED HATED it. except senior year. when i had good friends!

Want to get married: am happily married.

Believe in yourself: depends on the day.

In the past few months have you...

Drank alcohol: yes

Smoked: no, unless second-hand smoke here in germany counts!

Done a drug: no.

Made Out: with my hubby!

Gone on a date: ditto.

Gone to the mall?: not really.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: too expensive here.

Eaten sushi: YES. ;)

Been on stage: no. unless all the world's a stage.

Gone skinny dipping: only gone 3 times in my life. not recently.

Dyed your hair: nope.


Played a game that required removal of clothing: that's private, folks!

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: indeed.

Been caught "doing something": doing WHAT? again, non of your business. ;)

Been called a tease: uhm, no.

Gotten beaten up: thank goodness no.

Shoplifted: i stole gum in kindergarten. my parents made me return it. that was a horrible feeling.

Getting Older

Age you hope to be married: already am! at the age of 25.

Numbers and Names of Children: prob 2, and i have a whole list of names.

Describe your dream wedding: had it 7 months ago!

How do you want to die: morbid questions, sickos.

What country would you most like to visit: on my list now would be ... gosh, i'd like to go back to japan, like to see southeast asia.


dandlioneyes at 6:57 pm

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