11 February 2004

cramps, tears, and all that good stuff

another day of *falling apart because of the dissertation*

[rapid subject change but its related]: so i'm glad i went off the pill, because i don't like taking more drugs than necessary (except for the asprin/alleve/painkiller type drug). but i'm more moodswingy than ever, and yes, there is a lot of stuff going on in my life, but this is stupid. this is absolutely stupid. i get cRaMPs from hell, big massive moodswings, and my period is *not quite regulated yet*. so f*ing frustrating it isn't even funny. i've done absolutely nothing today, and i'm so sick of all of this.

i want a NORMAL life, settle down, have kids.

i want a 9-5 thing where i can guilt-free watch TV at night.

i want weekends. guilt-free weekends.

frustrated frustrated frustrated. frustrating.

chin up, me! i'll be ok!

dandlioneyes at 2:37 pm

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