12 February 2004

laundry, old friends, and oh yes, BORING

sooooo ... i have nothing to write but since you folks out in america-land working away at your little desks seem to need my constant writing, i'll update. enjoy!!!!

let me begin:

last night, we went out to dinner with an old friend from gradeschool. she used to be sort of toughandbossy but now she is talkativeandquitenice. sot hat was a good change. hadn't seen her in 10 years. 10 years is a LONG time if 10 years ago one was 17. and she got to meet the hubby, and i love introducing him to new people because i'm so proud of him and that we are together and all that jazz.

today i had/have a migraine. and we went to the laundromat. which is empty on thursdays, but bedlam on saturdays.

oh, and i can tell you are super excited by this entry. warned ya, NOTHING to say.

the sweetie is making dinner and moi, ms "i changed my thesis topic and i am too nervous to tell people" is procrastinating.... my advisor knows, though.

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 7:15 pm

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