20 February 2004


we went to the laudro-fun-mat this morning, aka the joys of doing laundry location, aka laundro-rama-rama-ding-dong. (can you tell i'm on cold meds????) best part is: we go to this crepe place, ali-baba's crepes, and have a huge cafe au lait in a bol (not bowl, they say bol, which is also not german and somehow i love it). usually we get crepes-o-rama, but this time we got the big breakfast: flatbread (pide), cheese (sheep), tomatoes, cucumbers, an egg (i vetoed that), schinken (emre vetoed that), and honey and butter and oj and yes, cafe au lait in a bowl-bol-o-rama.

the joys of clean laundry and cold meds. ah yes. cold meds. remind me to not take so many....


about that: i wanted some to stop phlegming and coughing, but the pharmacy around the corner thinks hacking and getting out phlegm is good. so they gave me an expectorant which will help me, well, expectorate the phlegm. joy of joys.


have i told you all about my crazy weekend-trip to the us? weekend. trip. to. the. us.

as in i leave tomorrow. get back wednesday 7 am.

dc for a my-honey-has-a-conference weekend. monday is philadelphia-o-rama (what is with me and the o-ramas today???). tuesday is the flight back.

again. joy of joys.

later gaters.

must expectorate, but in the archives. won't they love me. mrs. dandelioneyes, could you hack more quietly, and not spit on the documents? thank you ever so much....

dandlioneyes at 12:33 pm

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