25 February 2004


i should update i should update i should update i should also get GROCERIES because we have no food i should sleep because i have jetlag.

just got back from the saturday, sunday, monday, leaving tuesday arriving in germany on wednesday trip we had to the east coast. which was exhausting, especially with this cold from hell that i've had. my nose has been raw. like flakes of skin peeling. totally gross, totally embarassing. i hate nothing more than blowing my nose, getting a headache from it, etc. etc. ok. so that was part of my trip.

saw folks at my 2nd alma mater to be (when i finish the @#$%^&* phd), which was nice and somewhat bizarre: not that i've changed so much, *but* this year has been eventful, and i guess i have changed, and nothing seems to have changed back there.... very strange.

the flight back: good seats, bulkhead, lots of legroom, then a diversion to d�sseldorf instead of landing at FRA because FRA had 0,000005 inches of snow, as in barely anything, but no, we couldn't land, so off to d�sseldorf, off to sitting on a tarmac for 2 hours, therefore arriving home 4.5 hours later than we were supposed to... jetlag, yes, we are.

and now for the groceries.

later gaters!

ps: i need to write witty entries. not just rambles like this. i need to aim for witty. i like witty. i liked, e.g., saucy99's recent entry about singing! *lalalalalalallalalallalalalla* witty l ike that. sigh. the pressures we all live under! GROCERY TIME!

dandlioneyes at 4:46 pm

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