26 February 2004


[this is the earlier entry. i hope it is all readable this time. without lacks. and withoutbeing cut out. and no, it wasn't witty. not really. who cares. i liked it when i wrote it. sigh.]

grumble grumble grumble grumble.

i am

a) still jetlagged (this direction is about the worst thing possible)

b) still sick with the cold from hell that eggsaucted seems to have as well. just LOVE internationally spread bugs. i did my part, traveling to washington dc and hacking my lungs out on the plane. oh yes. this is what the world health organization is worried about. *sniffle*

c) perpetually hungry

d) annoyed: 3 doctor's appointments lined up next week. aren't you all curious. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, three days in a row. sigh. where i'm going to is for me to know and for you not to find out. one involves my aching foot, i'll tell you that. and it isn't anything gross and visible, it just hurts. enough said.

in other news, i drink lots of tea and still procrastinate. i bought more binders today. binders make me be an organized grad student and plus they are very german. sigh. i have yet to figure out how they are going to make it from g�ttingen to california. not to mention the books i've bought. and the furniture i'll have to sell. i'm just a trainwreck, that's all. sigh.

dandlioneyes at 6:01 pm

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