27 February 2004

phd woes but what else is new....

round 3 of re-arranging the bedroom is done and over. woo. hoo. looks - ok. we have a new bookshelf and a LAMP (light, woohoo, light!), and so it tooks some 'rearrangin'.

other than that, the proverbial perpetual panic of phd-moi. this time, its the "ohmygod i'm so overwhelmed i can't do it everyone else's life is super duper mine sucks" feeling. a friend of mine is submitting her diss TODAY, i'm so proud of her, and insanely jealous. and she has a postdoc lined up. another friend of mine has a job interview in a place he wants to be. and i'm puttering. put put put put put. not dreadfully fun.


on a good note, i did email my advisors and various paternal(istic) advisor figures about the change of thesis, and got 2 out of 4 responses so far. and out of those, 2 of 2 have been positive (ish). so that was a decent feeling.


a friend of mine is coming through town tonight. literally. on a train. which stops for 2 minutes. so i get to give her a hug and give her a package of mac and cheese, imported (exported!) from the US. and then off she goes. sort of disappointingly short, but still nice. she's off to see her internet-turned-real-boyfriend with whom she's having a whirlwind relationship which seems to be going well. very well. i'm happy for her.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 10:47 am

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