08 March 2004


so we went to the "bathing paradise ice lawn" - that's the translation from the german - the swimming pool mega-complex crazy swim fun center tonight. they have late-night special hours, from 9-10:30 for a nice, discounted price. indeed. in any case, we were hoping to get some lap swimming in.

problem 1: lap pool too crowded; people were doing crazy butterfly sets. SETS. BUTTERFLY. enough said.

problem 2: the rest of the pools (whirlpool, outdoor warm pool, etc.) were crazy crowded.

problem 3: when we did find a tiny little midget-of-a-lane in the lap pool, i realized that my cute swimming suit that i had gotten for my honeymoon and which now was also a bit too small given the fact that cake and fullfat milk and cheese here in germany has wreaked havoc on my body, well, that that swimming suit would NOT withstand lapswimming. each little lap that i did basically was a struggle: crap, it is falling down again. crap, my boobs will hang out. damnit, this isn't working. damnit, must adjust the goggles. i did 2 laps. 2. it was just sad.

problem 4: there is another pool on the map. the map from 1970. as far as i can tell, though, when i walk down that street, there ain't no pool. all super. super. disappointing. all that chlorine, none of the exercize!

night all!

dandlioneyes at 11:09 pm

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