18 March 2004


had a really nice day with my sweetie and b. and his boyfriend j. today. they came and visited us in small-town germany. i met b. in college my freshman year. we had an 8 am class together and both ... well, 8 am was just too early, so we bonded over that and would hang out after class, having coffee, killing time until our 11 am class. we had a really nice first semester, and saw each other after that as well, coffees now and then, etc. sophomore year 2nd semester we saw a movie, and after that, he dropped off the face of this earth. lots of things going on, his courseload, etc., as well as figuring out his sexuality, etc. so no contact for 7 years, and then in the fall i get an email from him, and we've been corresponding since then. and they came to germany for spring break, and we had a nice day together today. lots of food, ice-cream, tv-show talk (yes, a fellow buffy fan!), so all in all, a lovely day. it was sunny out, and didn't rain, and it was just nice to catch up.

now i'm tired and feel stuffed and full and not so grumpy as this morning, but still, well, the perennial anxiousness. sunday the trip happens!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:53 pm

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