04 April 2004

lazy sunday

saturday, nay, sunday morning, and i'm approaching it was so much laziness. it is nice, for once, not to have an appointment. the lat 2 weeks were full of constant meetings, with representatives of the EU, with various city officials, with museums, etc. etc., not to mention the "what time are you having dinner" type of meetings, so it is nice to be able to say: my day, my time, my choice in terms of how i divide up my day. as it turns out, i'm being lazy. i want to get the apartment cleaned up a bit (it was clean when i arrived, not it is messy again), i want to make a giant to-do list, i want to feel good about my days ahead of me.

later gaters, enjoy the fact that we have spring! a note to you us folks with the time-change: we did it last week. monday was awful. but the evenings, light until 8, 8:30 pm, are so worth that hellish monday!

be good. carry on. and all that jazz.

dandlioneyes at 11:50 am

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