05 April 2004


it is odd to be back. it is so amazingly quiet. not used to that.

it is also odd to have to work again. i really noticed my tension rise when i tried to sit down and work. that's not so fantastic. i need to get that under control.

uhm, so i had my mail held while i was gone. and it arrived today. including a big-ass envelope from non other than dlands very ownsaucy99. yay! it was full of orlando-y goodness, too, might i add. i'm really not regressing to the stage of teeny-bopper-dom. really, really, trust me i'm not. despite what ya'll think. [just trying to cover my ass here].... ;) oh, what the hell, i loved getting the letter! woohoo!

eh, other than that, not much. i'll be skeedaddling now. to the archives. work must be done. anxieties must be calmed. indeed. carry on.

dandlioneyes at 12:08 pm

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