05 April 2004

catering and readers

hello readers of my journal. i know many of you personally, and some of you as internet figures whose diaries i also read. and then there are the odd URLs that show up on my tracker. where i have no idea, i mean NO idea who you are. so i'm curious. humor me. leave me a note. pray tell, random readers, why does my hum-drum life interest you?

i find it odd (see above comment) that i now write for an "audience" instead of myself. ok. no. i do write for myself, but knowing that others read this makes me write different. a) i like that. b) it annoys me. simultaneously. i like that people know what i am up to, especially my friends. i don't like that i alter my writing sometime, catering to ... well, i don't cater. don't get too high and mighty and ego-inflated now. ;)

later gaters! off to bed quite soon. late here.

dandlioneyes at 10:15 pm

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