21 April 2004

T/F, teachers, and introspection

[previous entry today]

that feeling of introspection that arises when one just sits and stares out into space -- i just had it. not sure what sort of introspection, not sure what the results of the introspection was, but i just sat there and pondered my life.

which, quite frankly, ain�t bad at all. at all. and i need to remember that.

i have a lot of things that i bitch about, and i tend to complain about things, whine, whatever you want to call it (�would you like some cheese with that whine?�)... but life is good.

-i am in germany, which is just plain fantastic.

-my husband was with me for 2,5 months in the winter, and we are still seeing each other every month despite the 12 hour flight between here and california.

-i�m married, happily so, with an amazing guy who treats me like a princess

-our being apart-ness will be over soon; next year is california bay area happy home safe feeling, burnt hills by april and the smell of fog over the bay.

-i�m finishing my phd, i hope within 13 months (better haul ass!)

-i am generally very healthy, and have great, and i mean great friends, even if those great friends live all over the world.

-i am working on patching and figuring out the relationship i have with my parents. perhaps, as so many people have told me, this is actually good for me? that i can gain a bit of independence?

in the archives, spacing out, typing this instead of reading various codices....

my pondering introspection wasn�t quite supposed to be a list of what i have in my life, but i figure that isn�t a bad thing, either.

my pondering introspection was more of a feeling of strange and quiet contentment, that i can�t quite put my finger on. but somewhere in the flow of feelings, when i try and put my finger on the pulse of my emotions, i can take a step back and say: right now, things are pretty alright. what�s more, the things that give me grief and pain and just exhaust me, well, i will figure those out, one step at a time. go me!


on another, VERY VERY VERY banal note, my highschool french teacher asked about me when he ran into our dear and very own saucy99. that makes me so incredibly happy. yes indeedy, it really does.


of the following statements, which do you think is not true:

a) i once met jane goodall and she signed one of her books for me.

b) chris o�donnell sent me an autographed picture of himself after i left my address in his mailbox.

c) i am planning on meeting the german chancellor in july and have a picture taken.

d) i once met robin williams and took a picture with him on the set of patch adams.

dandlioneyes at 4:31 pm

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