22 April 2004


wet grass and pavements and slight humidity. gorgeous day today that shifted into a brief burst of rain and the smell of that - amazing.


this evening reminded me of what i hate about this year in germany. i have a lot of friends in germany, but all of them live in bigger towns, not here with me in my little university town. so i go to a colloquium tonight, and it is the biggest clique of unfriendly people who do nothing to make a stranger feel welcome. i sat in a corner, listened to the talk, and left feeling awful. at least i had the smell of spring rain and new leaves on my walk home.


and my two new pairs of sandals. indeed. woohoo!


that, and the stuff at the archives today was neat. a whole trial, start to finish, document in newspapers, in letters, in proceedings. and since the file was a bit goofy - who wrote what - and i know my guy's handwriting and type writer and the way he expresses himself - i get to organize the file! made me feel like, well, an expert!


toe-nail painting time. time to feel girly, since my hubby is coming back on saturday! YAY!

dandlioneyes at 8:21 pm

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