25 April 2004


ah, dear readers, you so don't derserve these short little entries. nosiree bob! but short entry is better than no entry, no?

this weekend consisted of: a) my honey arriving (yay)!, b) waiting 1 hour to pick up a rental car (bleh), c) driving to a wedding in a car with a navigation system (super cool, yay)!, d) going to the lutheran german wedding which was more religious than i expected (no comment, but interesting), and e) showing friends around g�ttingen and climbing the st. jacobi church tower (eh, i'm more and more afraid of heights, i've noticed).

f) i'm going to bed. this is so not worth your time, loyal readers, i'm sorry! but it is so good to have my sweetie here, i'm infinitely more happy now than i was 48 hours ago.

night, all!

dandlioneyes at 11:18 pm

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