02 May 2004

alone again

ah, gentle diarylanders, i'm ba-ack! and not doing all that great, since my sweetie is now on the plane back to the US. and i'm obviously not. and i absolutely absolutely absolutely hate that. while i know, objectively, that i am extremely lucky that i have found somebody that i love so much and who loves me as much as i love him, and while the end is literally in sight (78 more days apart, spread out over 4 months, september 1 is flight-back-to-the-US-and-not-be-apart-if-we-can't-avoid-it-ever-again day), it gets harder each time with the time apart. it makes me feel physically ill, literally, as in queasy, dizzy, i get an upset stomach.... i'll spare you the details!

anywho, i promised i'd write about weimar, but, instead, i'll put up some pictures in the next entry. we saw goethe and schiller's houses, walked the streets of the truly picturesque town, had lots of coffee in lots of little cafes and talked about how we would miss street cafes in the US (why oh why can't they get a clue?), and then went to buchenwald concentration camp, because it is a part of history that needs to be born witness to. it was a sunny day and the birds chirped, the raps-plant was in full bloom (bright yellow), and it was by far one of the hardest things i've done.

later, gaters!

dandlioneyes at 2:45 pm

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