14 May 2004

under the weather

i'm feeling totally under the weather, with chills and a headache and a bodyache and all that jazz. i am NOT a happy camper. at. all. at all. atall.

my houseguest, whom i haven't seen in 8 years, has been lovely: brought me a little present and flowers, and totally flexible about schedule, totally understanding about my work schedule. and it has been FUN to be able to talk to someone in english, to have company while eating, to go out to a restaurant.

she also brought a cold, and i've been popping zinc and vitamin c like there's no tomorrow. but it obviously didn't work... sigh. so i'm resting up today while she is on a little day trip to weimar... and i hope i feel better. it feels a bit like a cop-out, but i can't afford to get sick.... i'll possibly read in bed? who knows.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 1:53 pm

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