09 June 2004

perfume, redux

[two previous entries, and it is only 9 am. 9:12. go me!]

so i managed to ... boil water. mix it with the cold water (coming out of the hot tap). get my hair wet in the sink. wash my hair. start rinsing (same boiling water procedure). then.


the assistant of my landlord working at the opticians downstairs. informing me (in a robe and a towel covering my still suddsy hair) that the landlord isn't coming in today, aaaaand that they (in the office) don't have a key to the boiler-room OR the thermostat location, and here, call the brother-in-law of the landlord who owns the building but he is hard to be reached.


then i rinsed my hair and had a katzenw�sche - catwash - toweled off.... i feel a bit better and indeed now have perfume on. oh, joy.

dandlioneyes at 9:12 am

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