10 June 2004

in which tr*y is reviewed and i scoff at it.

that was possibly THE worst movie i've seen in a long time. since matrix 2, which i walked out of in the middle because i thought it was so god-awful. what am i talking about? hint hint: men in skirts. llamas in anatolia. lots of blood. one demi-god who thought he was hot shit. ah yes, the one and the only tr*y. it really was a bad movie. i was bored. i thought it was funny. "don't forget you are a prince of tr*y", and, added my sweetie, "don't forget that you are not a princess". orland* had such a wussy role. give me young will turner any day, savvy? not paris. come one. llamas in anatolia? and the point where br*d and p*troclos were practicing their sword-fighting in a ruin? they had ancient greek ruins back then already???

okay, that was not a substantial review, but does it really deserve one? what a shame. i can't believe people actually liked it. it was just plain funny. and helen? yes, she was very pretty, but her acting wasn't even good enough to launch a thousand ships....

sore-throat is getting better. jetlag is still funky. i was up until 3 am. and couldn't get up until about 10 or so. now they are jack-hammering in our interior courtyard, pigeon-proofing the place. about time. nothing against pigeons, i think the poor things are not treated well, BUT: looking outside my kitchen window and seeing bird crap isn't my favorite way to start the morning. coffee, anyone?

dandlioneyes at 11:10 am

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