17 June 2004

a liberal dose of sarcasm

i ask you, how will i ever be able to write the dissertation if writing a 40 minute talk is taking me this long? 40 minute talk, written once in english, now being translated into german. BAD idea. i should have written it just in german and said screw it for the english, or, vice versa. translating is brain-deadening. but now i'll have the paper in english for a talk i'll give in october, and that has its advantages as well. right? right? uhm, yeah.

that, and my talk isn't done yet in english. woo-f'ing-hoo. (say "woo-f'ing-hoo" somewhat sarcastically, please. thank you.)

that, and my mom is coming to visit. meaning i need to clean the house.

that, and my sweetie goes back to the US on monday. which just sucks.

but other than that (and the lovely rain we're having, again, sarcasm), i'm great. no, really, actually i'm doing ok. surprisingly.

dandlioneyes at 9:54 am

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